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Robert Wyatt Smith, C.O.O.



William McKee, Founder/C.E.O.


Tom Sexton,

Advanced Recovery Expert

Dr. Susan Carr, Psychologist

Bio Coming Soon


William Gray Coulson McKee II


Bill is a recovered Alcoholic/Addict with years of recovery experience. He was able to find recovery without the cavalcade of relapse that most have to endure. His Prayer and vision is that he may assist you on your Journey to recovery at Phoenix Life Recovery. We succeed where most give up, offering empathy and support for your ongoing success.


Bill grew up the eldest of 5. His Parents, Bill and Lonna were wonderful role models for all their children. Success was always in his path, playing college basketball and then professional football as well. As an entrepreneur he excelled ironically in the bar business. Owning over 25 bars in his 20's and early 30's. Some of these were among the most successful in the world. Real estate and Banking were amongst his other business ventures. Once recovered his duty and 12th step work was to set aside his own ego and pass along his experience, strength and hope to the suffering alcoholic/addict and to use the principles he learned along his journey in all facets of his life. As Founder He has now made PLR his life's passion and journey. 

He has 5 children ( 4 boys, daughter ) whom he is extremely close with, calling them his 5 best friends ( Smitty too of course, the kids love uncle Smitty : ). All of the Kids are in pictures on our website. 


For Bill and Rob (Smitty) Bio's we felt "less was more". These are two intense/amazing men, their energy when together is multiplied exponentially.  When you meet them you will understand

Bio Coming Soon


Robert Smith, regular name, normal guy? Not our Smitty, this amazing recovered Addict has years of recovery and a particular skillset for handling the many facets of Phoenix Life Recovery in an exemplary fashion. Smitty and Bill grew up blocks away from each other. They both traveled and lived outside of Delaware County hence lost touch with each other for 30 years. They reconnected in AA at a local meeting sparking an immediate connection. Bill was at a cross roads with his Phoenix recovery house future. Within months of reconnecting, two houses were full and the new Phoenix Life Program was born. The Bill and Smitty story could not have been written better. Two friends from childhood, separated by time and addiction. Then reconnected with a passion and vision to give back to the suffering addict/alcoholic.


Smitty was raised in a loving home, wonderful parents and sister. He worked for Honeywell for years in upper management and the leader of one of the top sales teams in the nation. His story is much like Bill's. He lived a full life, a productive part of society until his addiction took everything away he valued. Smitty is very close to his Son and Daughter, they are adults now living abundant lives. He checks in with his Mother daily, always the good Son. His life's work and passion is now Phoenix Life Program. God Speed Smitty

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