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We have all been told…. Everyone on this planet will fall at times. And that the measure of a person is not in their failures or success, but in their ability to overcome their failures. To get up again, when knocked to the ground. Sounds familiar, right? We, as recovering addicts/alcoholics, are not “everyone” or “normal”. We are told this the first day we enter a drug rehabilitation program. Overcoming our failure of being “different”, and how to fight this invisible demon, is not defined from infancy. For many trying to find recovery, it is never defined.


We here at Phoenix Life Recovery want to not only assist you in your recovery, but to help you understand how we are different. We want to share the process that we must follow to have a more fulfilled and passionate life than we have ever imagined. Using our systems based on spiritual and psychological methods, our goal is for you to grow during your time here at Phoenix, and leave our program to transition into a new life filled with passion and endless possibilities.


All we ask is that you enter Phoenix a “willing participant”, with your mind ready to grow and learn from others who have successfully used this process to achieve ongoing recovery, and embrace a quality of life that fulfills all of your anticipated goals and beyond. If you do this, and are willing to put in the effort, are ready to be healed, we are confident that you will overcome all failures brought on by the disease of addiction, and rise above any anticipated obstacles to embrace life on your terms, to be the master of your domain, not a victim.


Are you asking yourself why we feel confident you can achieve all of your goals here at Phoenix Life Recovery?  The answer is very simple…We have personally overcome our failures, and have achieved everything we desired using these principles. Our mission is to now share them with you, our fellow alcoholic/addict, so that you too can enjoy the same personal fulfillment and lifelong success. 


Love and Empathy, 

Bill M.

The Phoenix Family

Our Philosophy


We here at Phoenix Life Recovery (PLR) strive to not only assist you in your recovery, but to also help you to achieve significant personal growth.  We will awaken your understanding of why we are different from “normal” people, and also simplify the process to be followed in order to have a more fulfilled and passionate life than we have ever had, or imagined possible. 


Our program will provide you with all the tools and knowledge that you need in order to smoothly transition into your new life, filled with endless possibilities.  It is our mission at PRH sober living home to ensure a wholesome environment on the path to recovery, to facilitate the ability to have true inner happiness, and to awaken your awareness for knowing it is truly possible to have the life you have always hoped for, and then to be there to help you to make it happen for yourself. 


Bill M.

Chuck M. 

The Phoenix Family

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